Our next monthly chapter meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 12, 2020, at Progressive New Hope Baptist Church ( 3106 Paige Street Houston, TX 77004) at 10am. This is an in-person meeting so we ask that all Gramfam wear the proper protective equipment and are prepared to social distance. Also for those that plan on attending the in-person meeting please click the link below entitled "DLW Meeting December 12" so that we are aware you will be attending in person.
For Gramfam that would like to attend the meeting virtually via ZOOM, please click the link below and utilize the password "GSU". The meeting starts promptly at 10am.
Meeting ID: 891 3421 7090 Password: GSU

For those of you who can't make it to the meeting in person on Saturday, December 12th, we invite you to give through the gift registry located at, registry name DLW CHAPTER – GUNAA’s Registry, Gifts added to the registry have been randomly selected. Feel free to give a gift card in lieu of a gift on the registry.
Gifts will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 18th, 12 noon. We are excited to partner with the Shape Community Center in collaboration with their gift giving efforts, which include identifying indigent grandparents to give to their grandchildren. Volunteers at the Shape Community Center will assign the gifts and exchange them with the identified grandparent families on Friday, Dec. 18th.
The Shape Community Center is a staple in the Third Ward Community dedicated to service, education and enrichment in our community, with emphasis on Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work & Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith.